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The Stolen Dog

Terry Hindley

ISBN: 9788775741939

299,95 kr.

299,95 kr.

When small-time crook Ian Scholes finds himself in debt to a ruthless drug dealer, desperation drives him to exploit an unusual opportunity. After witnessing a peculiar dog theft in a park, Scholes discovers the stolen pet belongs to a wealthy widow. Sensing a quick fix to his financial woes, he sends a ransom note and pockets the cash. Problem solved — or so he thinks.
But Martin Keane, the original dog thief, is furious when his ransom demand is ignored and someone else profits from his crime. Determined to reclaim the money, Keane hunts Scholes down, setting the stage for a collision between two men with everything to lose.
A darkly comic crime novel that will keep you guessing until the final twist.


30. January , 2025

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Terry Hindley

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